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Joshua and Jamie Holmes

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Joshua and Jamie Holmes

The Holmes family serves in Sicily, Italy.

Sicily is a unique area that is receiving many refugees from northern Africa who are lost and without hope or direction. Their primary focus will be creating relationships with the refugees, sharing the Gospel with them, and taking them through the discipleship process. The multiplication of disciples creates a natural church planting movement that will flow through the refugee community. Joshua is the discipleship-training specialist, and Jamie is a field missionary, serving as needed on the Sicily team, alongside their family of 7!

One relationship building effort that the Sicily team utilizes is a non-profit bike shop with the ability to create transportation for the refugees. This is an incredible relationship building opportunity! In this bike shop, they also host small group discipleship training and use this space for church services. Their desire is to maximize the potential in this space and see the Gospel radiate in this place.

Joshua and Jamie have five children who enjoy serving alongside them. LilyAnn (2011) is the oldest and the only girl. Their lively boys are Cody (2015), Levi (2016), Everett (2017), and Hughston (2018). They are a family that loves riding their bikes, going on outdoor adventures, and traveling together.

Their home church, Connect Church in Russellville, AR, has raised them up to help people find and follow Jesus, and they have developed a heart for the unreached people to hear the true Gospel.

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